Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Advisor Q&A: Tim Leyson, College of Arts and Sciences

What is your hometown?
I am from Mahwah, New Jersey, which is located right outside of New York City!

What is your educational background?
I received a Bachelor of Science in Biology with three minors in Chemistry, Christian Education, and Psychology from Greensboro College in Greensboro, NC.  I have a Masters of Education in Counselor Education with a specific focus in College Student Development from North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. 

What is your work history?
During my time at NC State, I was a Graduate Assistant in Housing as a Residence Director working with first year Engineering students, Graduate Academic Advisor working with Intra-Campus Transfer students, and Counselor Education interning in the Office of Health Promotion and the Counseling Center.  My counseling internship focused on Substance Abuse Awareness, Individual and Group Counseling for students with Substance Abuse related issues, and working closely with Peer Mentors to help educate their peers on health related topics.  After completing my Master’s program, I then took a position at Miami University in Oxford, OH.  At Miami University, I served in the capacity as a First Year Advisor.  In the position of First Year Advisor, I was the primary Residence Hall Director and Academic Advisor.  I academically advised students living within my Residential Living Learning Community, supervised eleven Resident Assistants and three Graduate Students in the Student Affairs Program, and directed the programmatic vision of the community.  In addition, I served as the primary organizational advisor for the Residence Hall Association and coordinated the Resident Assistant and Peer Mentor courses instructed through the Office of Residence Life. 

What will you be doing in your new position? 
In my position as an Academic Advisor, I will be working with our Math and Natural Science Community, advising Biology students. 
Why did you want to be an advisor? 
At the heart of Advising is helping students discover their path for life.  Part of my life was spent thinking I was going to be a doctor but all that changed when I came to college.  Going to college is a special time in a young person’s life that makes one think about yourself and the work around you.  Being an Advisor helps me guide the next wave of doctors, scientists, and leaders of this world.  As an Advisor, we get the opportunity to make an impact in the lives of students by helping them discover their vocation, or calling in life.  Also, we serve in the role as what some have called me a “Reality-Intervention-Specialist”.  Sometimes students need someone to be honest with them about their current direction. 

What is your favorite part of working with college students?
My passion for the work I get to do every day is helping students make meaning out of their educational journey.  Working with college students is one of most rewarding experiences I do on a daily basis.  I remember the days of taking classes at 8 o’clock in the morning and having Advisors that pushed me to not only succeed in the class room but equip with the critical thinking skills to analyze my own career path.  As an Advisor, I want students to understand that there is so much more than just going to class and building a social network during college.  The opportunity to attend college is both a challenging and rewarding development experience that I have been so blessed to have been given the opportunity to undertake.  Sharing my story with students about my past college experiences, good and bad, will help students understand how to make meaning of their college experience.   

What do you love about UK? 
I love walking across campus and seeing the pride students have in attending UK.  As a professional it has begun helping me become passionate about this place and values this institution strives for all levels of staff and students.  I know have a better understanding of what it means to “See Blue in Everything We Do.”  I also love the amount of collegial support that I have gained as a new professional here at UK.  I have met some incredible people and I have been only working here for a month! It is just amazing to see the amount of support given to a new person to make them feel welcome and at home. 

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