Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Advisor Q&A: Maureen Holloway, College of Business and Economics

What is your hometown?
Sayre, PA

What is your educational background?
I received my BS in Secondary Education with a focus in Biology from Penn State University in 2001 and my M.Ed. in College Student Affairs, also from Penn State, in 2010. 

What is your work history?
After graduating from Penn State in 2001, I moved to the city of Chicago to be a teacher. I taught 9th grade Science (Earth/Space Science, Environmental Science, or Biology – depending on the year) at Steinmetz Academic Center for six years. While there, I also coached Academic Decathlon, Cheerleading, Track, Debate, and Girls’ Swimming. I loved my students, but as the time went on, I learned that I didn’t love teaching anymore. So, I decided to go back to my alma mater and became a part of a wonderful graduate program. I was the GA in the Office of Judicial Affairs while I was there, and also worked with student-athletes at the Morgan Academic Support Center for Student-Athletes. After graduation, I moved here to Lexington, where I was a tutor for our student-athletes before starting my position in Gatton last March.

What will you be doing in your new position?
I advise over 300 students in both lower and upper divisions, and also process On Campus Transfers and Upper Division Applications.  In addition, I work with the other advisors on programming and Conference Advising.  This past fall, I taught a section of UK 101, which was great because it allowed me to get to know the campus and the school right along with my students.  It also showed me that deep down, I never lost my love of teaching – it just needed to be redirected.

Why did you want to be an advisor?
My favorite part of teaching was talking to my students.  I loved working with them on a one-on-one basis and helping them see what the future could hold for them.  Advising allows me to do this all the time, and to work with students who are incredibly motivated.  I love helping them get to the point where their dreams seem so close and then working with them to make sure that they reach the goals they set out.  I also love helping them problem-solve when things don’t go the way they thought they would.

What is your favorite part of working with college students?
I love their energy.  My students are always so excited about something.  Whether it’s classes, or an internship opportunity, or basketball, or DanceBlue, they are pumped to be a part of it.  That energy isn’t found in everyone.  They have a chance to make a difference and they’re ready to jump on it.

What do you love about UK?  
I love the spirit of UK.  I come from another big school with a lot of spirit and had searched for something similar since then.  I found that spirit once again in UK.  I may bleed a different color blue most of the time, but there are shades of royal starting to weave in and out of it.

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